It has now been one year since the Outerrealmz blog went live. It has been a year of learning, a little bit of frustration and a whole lot of fun! This is the 23rd post thus far and the blog is not going anywhere soon…that is, except to a larger readership…and very soon, I hope!

I have been able to garner 1,863 views from 889 visitors during the past 12 months. In the realm of blog viewership, there is no urge to celebrate this number. However, one year ago all numbers were 0.  Though I did not achieve my goal on numbers, I remain confident that these numbers will multiply greatly in the coming months and years.

A part of the issue is that after the first four months I had to go back to the job. This hindered the traveling part. In fact, it downright limited me to mini trips and day trips. But I learned I can still go places and keep the blog active while working full time.

I’ve also expanded on my freelance writing. I have been writing regularly for the local newspaper, as well as other online and print publications. I have been offered a feature in Route Magazine, which is due November 16th. On top of all this I have delved back into the study of copywriting. So, my writing plate is full, very full, and though it is hard to find time for it all, I am grateful for every bit of it.

Back to the blog.  Although I have achieved the overall goal of continuing the blog and adding to it on a regular basis, I have fallen short on specifics. Specifics like…um, making  money on it! I have also learned a little about reality. Reality states that a blog probably won’t make money during the first two years, despite what the rich blog gurus may say. It will happen, but it will happen when it is supposed to happen. When I have secured enough views per day or week, I will incorporate ads or affiliate marketing. That idea has NOT gone away.

The future. Well, in the immediate future, meaning in about a week, I’ll be headed to Arizona to gather material. Trish and I will be investigating Route 66 from Oatman to Seligman—with a special emphasis on the Oatman area. It looks as though the next few blog posts will remain far west as the last few have, meaning Nevada and Arizona with a little California thrown in. Other possibilities include a paranormal investigation and a partial cross- country adventure. Also, very soon an investment of a drone is in the works as well as outerrealmz t-shirts and bumper stickers. This would also facilitate a store page on the blog…

I will continue to grow my presence on social media sites such as Instagram and Pinterest and promote the blog there as well as Facebook and LinkedIn. Never quite got the hang or desire for Twitter.  I’ve secured a YouTube channel, but it remains almost empty. This will change soon!

One year from now? On the two-year anniversary of the blog I intend to have added tirelessly to it and have more time for it. I plan to have traversed through a career change, or at least part way through, by then. Working from home through various writing ventures will have untold advantages to all facets of my life, including the blog.

I mentioned Trish earlier. She has been with me since blog day one, helped me get it going and I hope she has the strength to put up with me for another year. She is the one adventure that does not end.

Onward to another year of bringing a unique style of travel blogging to a growing audience. If nothing else I would like to double the number of views and visitors. A very loud shout out to all my readers, viewers and supporters!

Besides the blog, catch outerrealmz on Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn and YouTube.

Thank you all. See you in a couple weeks on the next blog post!


Scott W. Elliott